Friday, November 14, 2008


Mr Peik Johansson Trainer
Most of participants were not familiar with proper uses of internet in searching information in the easiest way but after been informed by our facilitator Mr Peik all participants became specialist in searching information.
Second non of participant were able to establish Blog, posting information and picture but through this workshop every participant is able to all this as youcan see in my blog I could not know all this this work shop did a lot to me and my student because I am going to use this knowledge to Nation

Haya maisha bwana acha hizo

Hivi wewe Peik, Haugalii saa yako? huu ni muda wakula bwana zingatia muda, na huyo dada anaye toa mkwanja vipi hajatokea hadi sahizi!? fifte sio zakitoto !!!!!!

Hivi hapa Ubaoli hakuna mifuko ya rambo nibebe take away?


Mr.Peik: Uhuru nikuelekeze marangapi bwana huoni hapo aaah
Mr. Uhuru: Poa mwana siunajua tena UTU UZIMA au unasemaje lili?


All about the WTC-7 New York and what happened to it on September 11, 2001
The September 11 attacks were a series of coordinated suicide attack by al-Qaeda upon the United on September 11, 2001 on that morning 19 Islamist terrorist affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airlines. The hijackers internationally crushed two of the airline into the twin towers of the world trade center in New York City. killed every one on board and many others working in the buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying at least two near buildings and damaging others in that crush . Excluding 19 hijackers 2,974 people died in the attacks. Another 24 were missing presumed dead
The united State responded to the attacks by launching a war on Terrorism invading Afghanistan to depose the overwhelming nationals of over 90 different countries the

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Internet Workshop for Editor and Trainer day four

Kimsingi tulicho jinfunza kwenye siku ya nne washa hii ni namna ya kuweza kupata taarifa mbalimbali kwenye tovuti tofautitofauti na hii hasa kwamwandishi wa habari ambaye anpawsa kujua vitu vilivyo mbali na pale alipo kwa sasa.
Kwenye soma hili mwalimu Bwana Peik Johansson aliweza kutuonyesha tovuti kama:-
IPS – Intewr Press Service News Agency tovuti ambayo unaweza kupata au kutuma habari mbalimbali kwenye nchi zote duniani. kwenye tovuti hii unaweza kupata habari zote zinazo husu bara la afrika ni tovuti pekee unayo weza kujua nini kina endelea ndani ya Africa.
Africa electiondatabase hii pia nitovuti inayo elezea mifumo tofauti ya chaguzi katika afrika kwamfano nchi ya Kenya huchagua Raisi wake na Wabunge kila baada ya miaka mingapi sifa za wagombea na n.k
Hello in many language Hii ni tovuti ambayo inawasaidia wasafiri kujua maneno mbalimbali kutoka lugha nyingi zikiwa zile zakimataifa na zisizo zakimataifa
Hizi nibaadhi tu ya tovuti tulizo jifunza siku ya nne ya washa hii kimsingi zinamjenga mwandish katika kupata habari kiurahisi na kwa ufasaha.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Media with challenge of Digital age.

Since medias working inoder to inform people and people who are looking for information are those people who are digitalized here I mean that most of the people who are in interest of knowing what is going either in the their country or worldwide information are those people who are working in ether in government , private sectors and students as Rupert Murdoch “said we need to realize that the generation of people accessing news and information, whether from newspapers or any information, whether from newspaper or any source, have a different set of expectations about the kind of news they will get it where they will get it from” This means that people real need information but where to get information will only depend on where this personal is there for

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What we leant on day one.

Internet Workshop for Editor and Trainer, November10 to 14, 2008
Organized by MISA Tanzania and VIKES Foundation (Finnish Foundation for Media Communication and Development.
Here we go.
After introduction of workshop and participants Mr Peik Johansson who is trainer stated training us about how internet has changed societies and communication globally for example he explained how internet has phone number, Project Gutenberg and and also explained who we can watch television through internet by visiting Mr Peik Johansson didn’t end there also tough us on who to listen to the radio and playing game by visiting web site www.bbcswahili com and who use website such us wikipedia napster and you tube etc.and be the day he also taught us all about who to create the Blog.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I am Albert Celestine Kilalah working with Time School of Journalism (TSJ). I work as a Principal. I am Journalist by professional based on Electronic media (Radio and Television) as reporter, an anchor and producer. I worked with Clouds fm there after I joined with Times fm in these two radios I was a Radio presenter, there after I joined with Dar es Salaam school of Journalism DSJ as tutor I worked with DSJ for nine months there after I shifted to Time school of Journalism were I am working till to date when I am a working with TSJ got a chance on last election 2000 I worked with Channel ten Television I worked as a reporter and my work station was in Pemba Island.